International Conference on Law and Public Administration :: 2nd edition :: 2013

Instructions for Authors

The paper will be written in Microsoft WORD

The languages
of the conference are English and French. Each participant can present no more than one paper. The papers for presentation will be selected based on a double blind peer-review process and will be published in the conference proceeding.
Page Format:
Paper size A4, margins left, right – 40 mm, top and bottom – 53 mm, (Justified), default font TNR 10 pt, line spacing single;
Paper Title:
Upper case, TNR 11 pt, bold, align center;
List of Authors:
Second line under title, TNR 10 pt, bold (including name, scientific title and institution);
include a 200 word abstract, second line under authors, TNR, 9 pt, italics;
Drawings and charts:
will be numbered and inserted in the text;
in the bottom of the page, TNR, 8 pt;
The references, ordered alphabetically, should be at the end of the paper.

Papers shall be e-mailed to your track chair’s e-mail address.

SEE - Registration & Contacts